Unveiling The Pythia System-Powerful Trends Intelligence from the Edge of Chaos

A Window into Potential Market Shifts and Unconventional Insights for Visionary Investors and Exploratory Innovators

What is the Value for The Pythia System Members?

We are hopeful The Pythia System can help members better align systemic value and systemic risk on their business and investment projects. Our research can help members better navigate the chaos and uncertainty of these times by sorting through information overload, finding new opportunities and risk managing their businesses and investment portfolios. 

For the Public Direct Investor:

You will find plenty of practical value, as we discuss micro themes and trends that are highly material to global business across industries in today's rapidly changing landscape. We also discuss specific public companies as part of our themes and trends. We discuss companies constructively in terms of compliance with our core living systems principles, so that means we also discuss companies that are incoherent with the design principles and what that may mean for investors. We discuss companies that have interesting and important products or services, but are constrained in some way due to the complex macro factors in the world with the intention of using our core principles to brainstorm about how to break through the obstacles. 

We include interdisciplinary interviews to create more value for our public investor members. We also provide details of analysts, fund managers, other data sources that are synergistic with our approach. For public investor members, we are including many aspects of our public market investing strategy called "Phoenix Investing" into The Pythia System: Click here for more information on our Phoenix Investing strategy (keep in mind this information is tailored for The Pythia Systems trends work--which is more effective anyway than just staring at individual company reports). We also have an area for member directed discussions on their own public investments that fit our phoenix investing profile. 

For the Private Direct Investor:

We include examples of companies, entrepreneurs and even funds that are aligned with living complex system principles. You will also see member directed fringe entrepreneurial projects as we move along. Members can also discuss their own direct private investments that use living system principles with other members. 

However, our Hub&Spoke Direct Private Investing Service is a separate service. The Pythia System membership is foundational and required for investors interested in our private direct investing (Click here for more information on our Hub&Spoke Direct Private Investing Service). We have not launched any of these deals yet, but if you are interested in both The Pythia System and our Hub&Spoke Direct Investing Service, you can lock in the discounted rates from our early release of The Pythia System. 

We are interested in investing in ways more compatible with living systems design, so the Hub&Spoke Direct Investors need to be flexible and willing to work out of the boundaries of typical structures, and syndicates. We also work creatively with the entrepreneurs on business development strategies that are also more in line with living systems design. There may be fees to Pythia Capital Team on a realized basis on direct private deals. If you are more comfortable with more traditional venture capital and private equity structures and models, this service may not be for you, but you are welcome to join The Pythia System and still benefit from all the stimulating and educational materials, trends intelligence, as well as discussions on companies (public, private or Web 3.0) applying living system principles. We expect to meet everyone that joins the Hub&Spoke Direct Investing Service before subscribing. 

For Edge of Chaos Innovators:

You will find high integrity, engaged members looking to lift you up and support you in various ways with your fringe projects. 

The Pythia System members also include investors that understand that they need to follow the same living complex systems in their own investment processes for the collaboration to work.

Who are The Pythia System Members?

The Pythia System is for a diverse group of visionary investors, edge entrepreneurs, polymaths and others who are comfortable creating businesses and investing at the edge of chaos and are open to new business and investing models aligned with nature's complex intelligence. 

Why is Divergent Thinking So Important for Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders and Investors Now?

The beauty of living complex system principles is that they attract the most creative, innovative, high integrity, fringe thinkers, scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs in the world. However, investors also need to be aligned with living system principles to take advantage of these exciting new opportunities and meet the complex, emerging needs of society.

The Pythia System's experiential educational services and Delphian research leverage the wisdom of nature's intelligence and are designed to be flexible to help our members better innovate, adapt, learn and grow through these challenging and turbulent times.

This is not for the linear mind that likes to play it safe with consensus views and group think.

In a nutshell, we are divergent in the best sense of the word. This is where all the magic happens.

How Can The Pythia System Members Work Safely on the Edge Using Nature's Complex Intelligence?

Aligning with nature's complex intelligence is the best way to work safely on the edge where opportunities are endless but are also full of risks, some obvious and some hidden under false light narratives.   

The edge is where you find the people removed from society's silos, hierarchies and rigid belief systems. You find a natural diversity that is not forced, conversations that explore new interrelationships, perceptions and interconnections, and a bottom up, highly creative process for generating new ideas. Best of all, you find people tolerant of diverse views and opinions.

We use nature's complex intelligence to find business and investing opportunities with higher return potential and higher intrinsic value. 

There is no need to be an expert in sustainable business or investing to benefit from this membership. We admit our definitions of sustainable business and investing are as fringe as everything else we do. Do not expect the usual conversations on "impact investments" or "ESG" or "DEI" in reference to how we apply our living complex systems principles. 

Visionary investors and edge entrepreneurs following nature's intelligence see through all attempts at window dressing and narrative shaping. Fortunately, we shine a torch of light in the dark crevices. It is this light shining in the darkness that helps to illuminate unseen risks and new exciting opportunities. 

What is Problem with Predominant Economic Theories?

Our existing investment methodologies and business structures are based on economic theories and processes that are linear and only work for simple or complicated problems. They also exclude our social and ecological systems. That is why everything is such a mess. 

Most of our big problems today are nonlinear, interconnected and highly complex. Most of the sustainable and impact investors are still using linear investment strategies and structures, as that is the primary way assets are allocated and syndicates are put together. 

The reality is there is no real way to allocate for impact or sustainability. It is not an allocation decision. It is a different way to think about entrepreneurship, business and investing. 

It requires a system-based lens, a willingness to work across silos, and the ability to ask the uncomfortable questions.

Fortunately, the payoff for using an ecosystem-based business planning and investing lens is finding breakthrough opportunities and layers of risks overlooked by others following more traditional approaches. 

What are The Pythia System Terms and Conditions?

1) We provide experiential educational research on our living systems investment framework from a wide range of perspectives.

2) We divine future investing and business potential across many diverse areas using nature's evolutionary intelligence. We are offering a new type of global liminal space Delphian research across many diverse areas such as economic, industry, technical, scientific, other areas. We discuss investment themes and trends relevant for a wide range of investors.

Our Delphian style of liminal space trends research is a bit different. We look at various “attributes” of various trends (micro-themes and micro-trends), ask fiery and imaginative questions and present information using our unique living system principles that help members discern for themselves future paths that are the most coherent and the most stimulating for them. We believe in asking uncomfortable questions and do not shy away from controversy. In this way, we leave room for emergent, breakthrough innovation by leveraging the dynamic tension of respectful, active listening to people with diverse perspectives.

We build our trends over time like a never ending story, sometimes starting out just by asking the questions and adding to the trends as we go along. Our members can contribute as well in the community forum and discussion areas of the trends. We hope for fun and lively interactions to help bridge the polarization in the world and make it fun and safe to explore areas of deep controversy in new creative ways.

We apply the lenses of the various aspects of our living complex systems principles in novel and exploratory ways. We focus on "the edge" for our creative business and investing ideas. We look at ideas from the most philosophical and mystical to new and even exploratory science and technology.

3) There are regular live unrecorded Q&A discussions with the Pythia Capital Team and invited guests. All comments on these calls are off the record so both the speakers and the members can talk freely and engage in deeper and more meaningful conversations. This is especially important to build trust given the controversial and provocative nature of the material we discuss as well as the tense nature of our global polarized society.  

4) We integrate certain aspects of our multi-capitalization public investing and crypto service for The Pythia System Members (Click here for more information on our Phoenix Investing Service). The trends work is more powerful this way. Keep in mind, we will be discussing public companies and crypto projects that we like and ones we do not as examples of how our living systems process works. We also hope to brainstorm with our members ways that management teams can turn troubled situations around using living complex systems principles as a guide (that is a long list today, unfortunately, with smaller companies. However, some of their ambitions, services, science and technologies are really extraordinary and the world is far worse off with them not succeeding. Our "winner takes all" economic system is so exaggerated today that it is leaving almost every high value added creative idea behind).

5) We record interviews for members with a variety of multi-disciplinary experts as part of our liminal space trends work: a wide range of investors, entrepreneurs, executives, fringe thinkers, systems design architects, eclectic scientists, polymaths, computer scientists, mathematicians, mystics, shamans, mavericks, creatives, visionaries, operators, makers, philosophers, engineers, regenerative business professionals, educators and other aligned people.

6) We provide separate community forums for our education materials, trends work, and phoenix investing materials. There are also separate discussion areas for each educational subject, trend, or company. Your privacy is respected. Members will see your name when you comment but not a profile page. For those members preferring a more traditional profile page, we have various ways for members to get exposure. We expect all members to treat others with respect and dignity at all times. 

7) There are separate areas for member directed fringe projects and investment discussions.

8) There is an annual subscription fee. Given the early stage of the launch and the overwhelming amount of work still left to do, there are no discounts on any unused digital subscriptions (so there are no 30 day money back guarantees at this time). We encourage you to schedule a time to speak to us to learn more about the service before subscribing. We also expect everyone subscribing to fill out a short questionnaire so we know who you are and more about your needs and desires. However, you are not required to share this information in the service. There are no formal profiles at this time. 

How Can You Contact Us? 

We are currently offering early access to The Pythia System. Please fill out the form below to learn more. We can set up a time to talk and show you around the service for a sneak peek. Please tell us a bit about yourself.

From Founder and CEO of Pythia Capital, Lynn Marie DePippo

On the edge of chaos, you will find inspiration, creativity, joy and wonder. Fear of the unknown is still there, especially during these rocky times. However, the creativity, joy and beauty that come from the edge of chaos can help move mountains if necessary and draw surprising allies. This is the energy that is necessary to help bring polarized groups back together again and help to find the courage to face the dark shadows in ourselves and our global society. It is in facing these shadows that we find our inspiration and the greatest creative breakthroughs. If we can harness the energy from the inevitable grief the comes from seeing ourselves and the world with such clarity, we can begin to visualize new possibilities. Soon, you will find the grief has converted to joy and the mountains do not look so big anymore.

Uncertainty can be a path for creativity rather than a path for fear when we learn to leave room for the joy of synchronistic discovery by bringing people together that would normally not speak with each other. There are self-organizing groups of people coming together all over the world to creatively brainstorm about how to make the world a more thriving, just, and healthy place. The groups we resonate with the most are groups of entrepreneurial people that are fringe, eclectic and interdisciplinary. However, people in these fringe groups tend not to be trusting toward predominant investment and industry players. With this crowd, blindly chasing “impact or sustainable investors” is not the answer either as most of these investors are still following linear investment approaches that are incoherent with emergent innovations based on the true physics and creativity of natural intelligence.

Many investors (impact or not) often pursue investments in trendy areas, resulting in herd investing that eventually explodes causing many unintended trade offs and leaves out many fringe entrepreneurs that have highly creative, off the beaten path ideas (We need these “edge” entrepreneurs, borrowing principles from permaculture, for the innovation needed to solve really hard problems). This is because predominant economic models steer you in these directions by definition, resulting in the few controlling the many and a loss of individual agency. Our current economic paradigm results in centralized, concentrated cartels of power and wealth.

An economic framework based on living complex systems can help to balance concentrated power with more resilient decentralized and distributed systems. It is not possible to solve any of our complex problems such as our interrelated health and environmental crises using the existing economic framework (which is not integrated with ecological systems and ignores our understanding of the laws of physics). What is certain using this framework (even when you mean well) is that money will flow from those that have the least to those that have the most and none of the problems will get better. They will actually get worse. You can already see this happening in the world. Our predominant economic paradigm and over-leveraged financial systems do not consider the reality of interrelated, nested, nonlinear, complex adaptive systems. 

Pursuing financial returns without primary consideration of intrinsic value (which considers our ecological surroundings, health, vitality, and social systems in interconnected and systemic ways) means there is no effective mechanism to unwind what is harmful for society or the earth. Unfortunately, that means there are many lies and efforts to control narratives to keep the old power structures going. Removing individual bad actors does not help because the underlying global economic system we are using has not changed and is not based on understanding the real natural intelligence of living, complex systems. Pursuing unlimited growth predominantly for more wealth and power is causing extreme incoherence in our global systems, harming ecological systems, human health, vitality, diversity and overall individual sovereignty. This is all starting to break down into chaos today with overlapping global crises. It does not mean most people are deliberately trying to harm people or the earth. It is merely the way the existing system works and is structured.

Our economic system is not separate from nature or her cycles. Applying natural intelligence principles to business and investing restores interlinked economic, ecological and social lenses, but in a way that is naturally coherent with natural systemic principles. This is the primary reason why these principles work better than simple ESG principles (which are still linear principles, so they are still part of our existing economic system that concentrates wealth and power by definition). They are also very honest. If we are out of balance, it is very clear, and no amount of narrative shaping or greenwashing can change this illuminated view of reality.

The same people that have benefited the most from the existing extractive economic systems are the same ones that sit on the top of the food chains of most major corporations, big banks, think tanks and large NGOs that claim they are working to solve humanity’s problems. Even if these groups and people mean well (in reality some do and some do not), too much top-down control in our global economic systems will not improve things for the good of all, regardless of how many warm and fuzzy labels you use.

We need more bottoms up and local empowerment for people in our global economic systems to repair and restore our global systems and the earth. Following natural intelligence means balancing centralized governance systems with decentralized, distributed, self-organizing and self-correcting nested systems. In other words, we need more “Yin” and less “Yang” to live more creative and vibrant lives, not more academics writing big, detailed papers with lots of footnotes and diagrams.

The way these fringe entrepreneurs perceive the world is very different. Both the breakthrough opportunities and the shadows in society are more transparent to them, especially when they get together and support each other.

Intense polarization and corruption in the world are blocking more groups like this from finding aligned resources, but they are also reminding us, deep down inside why diversity in every sense is necessary, including diversity of perspectives. We need to be radically honest with ourselves and each other in order to understand what is at stake. Are we all so caught up in our need to be right or our fear of change (often framed by our upbringing, education, career, socioeconomic background, culture…) that we leave no room for the new? We are all so focused on solving problems with our linear, anti-nature economic lenses that we are often missing the magic for how significant new discoveries usually happen. Please see the following blog for more information on why great new discoveries are often not planned: Why Are Divergent Thinkers Ostracized?

We believe that investors aligned with our authentic living systems investment framework are better partners for these very special entrepreneurs. We have an atypical investment approach and focus on innovations on “the edge of chaos”. The interrelated, systemic global crises are already causing considerable chaos, so the timing is ripe for new evolutionary leaps in how we can best support and fund these special entrepreneurs.

About Pythia Capital

Our investment principles core foundation are based on living, complex adaptive systems (CAS). Understanding the wisdom of CAS is essential for addressing global, complex, interconnected crises, as predominant economic principles do not consider human interaction with ecological systems at all.

Our living systems investing principles core are inspired by the 12 permaculture principles, which are regenerative agriculture and sustainable living principles.

We use permaculture principles as a bridge to link ancient esoteric wisdom with advanced science, technology, and mathematics to explore, develop and finance exciting new innovations that lie at the "edge of chaos."

Ancient and timeless “shamanic wisdom” reminds us how to reconnect with the sacredness and interconnections of all life.

It is no coincidence that new scientific, technological, and mathematical advances such as chaos theory, nonlinear complex systems, quantum science, nonlinear mathematics and newly emergent blockchain technologies are also mirroring this theme of interconnectedness.

This awareness of how the sacred connects to advanced understanding of natural evolutionary intelligence is the essence of how we build and re-architect our global societies.

Our highly integrative and regenerative principles work across all industries.