The easiest way to plan your trip to Spain

Meet your all-in-one travel planning tool.


My tool has 10+ features for you to use. These are my favorites:


Utilize advanced graphical representation for visual planning

Google Maps

Integrated Google Maps Data.Automatic integration with Google Maps for seamless distance and travel time

Itinerary Building

Design detailed daily itinerary and travel plan.  Plan activities and visualize the journey

Accommodation Planning

List and compare options for accommodation and transportation. Estimate costs for flights, lodging, and in-destination travel

Costs & Durations

Gain clear overview of expenses and durations for each destination. Ensure budget and schedule adherence

Travel Your Way

Customize transportation mode to suit preference.  Options for road-trip, cycling, or public transport enthusiasts

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Travel Planner for Google Sheets

Efficiently plan and organize your trip with detailed itineraries, cost estimates, and visual mapping. Centralize reservations, track expenses, and customize transportation preferences. Seamlessly integrate with Google Maps and other visualizations.

9.99 USD

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