Do you want to know how to use essential oils in your everyday life?


It wasn't until 2018 when my brother had a heart attack and stroke due to blood clots in his lungs, leaving him in a vegetative state and no activity in any of his brain lobes that I decided I was going to use everything that I knew about essential oils and herbs to nurse him back to health. 

Read more of that story here

The name Muhimu came from a good friend of mine who passed in 2021. With every life I help change I honor her memory. Muhimu means "Essential" in Swahili. These oils, sprays, creams and blends are essential to optimal living for me. 

So I share this little love language with you. May the products you purchase heal your dis-ease and put you in a place of comfort and wellness, as wellness is not just the absence of illness but the presence of health.

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