How this Ice Hack Helped Me Reclaim My Body & My Confidence

My Transformation Story

Suzanne Williams
Grandmother (Best thing in the world), new found explorer and lover of life! Loves Wine and Chocolate.

Updated: April 2023 - Read time - under 5 minutes

My Life Was Falling Apart...I Lost All Hope

Everything Went Downhill AFTER 40. Fast.

Almost overnight, my once slim and small figure started ballooning. I couldn't just eat whatever I wanted, unless I wanted to carry that around on my body forever!

I used to easily burn everything off without thinking twice, but now it appeared that my body could no longer keep up.

My metabolism was not firing on all cylinders like it used to.

I could tell my health was deteriorating. I was exhausted during the day. And was dozing off in front of the television in the early evening.

That is not who I am!

So I'd go to bed early in the hopes that it would give me more energy the next day.

However, it didn't work. Some nights, I'd sleep for 10 HOURS and still be dragging my legs the next day!

I knew it was terrible. Even then, I had no idea how TERRIBLE things had gotten.

One day, I stumbled into my daughter's high school friend. But at first, she didn't recognize me. I had to introduce myself to her. Then, before she could stop herself, she whispered something that hurt deeply.

"Wow Mrs. G, I didn't recognize you. You were a lot smaller back then."

Sheesh, that was certainly an eye-opener.

I've never owned a scale before. I've never needed it because I've always been in good shape. But I realized it was time to figure out where I was. So, for the first time in my life, I went out and bought one.

I took it home, inserted the battery (a nice digital one), and stepped on it.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! 211!

That moment struck me like a hammer.

I went over to the bathroom mirror and forced myself to take a long hard look.

And I mean, really LOOK.

That's when I knew things had to change. I was exhausted, puffy, and bulging all over of the place. I was a wreck.

I thought about that experience for the rest of the day. I began thinking about how it was affecting not only me, but also my daughter. For a long time, all I could think about was ME. But what about my girl? Was I going to be there for her when she needed me?

While I was getting ready for bed that evening, I made a decision..

It Was Time To Get Back To The "REAL ME."

My Doctor's Visit Did Not Go As Hoped…

"It's a little unorthodox," he said. "But there is a lot of great science behind it, and the women I have told this to have benefited from it."

I was not ready for what was about to happen...

He started to tell me about this odd ice hack that had just been re-discovered again. And that there were three really special things about it.

Well, I couldn't wait to get home. Instead, I grabbed my phone as soon as I got to my car and started watching the video.

I was glued to my screen as I sat there. Everything I learned in the video blew me away.

Could something really this simple be the answer? Really?

Well, I couldn't wait to get home. Instead, I grabbed my phone as soon as I got to my car and started watching the video.

I was glued to my screen as I sat there. Everything I learned in the video blew me away.
Could something really this simple be the answer? Really?

I Am So Thankful That My Doctor Showed Me This

In addition to that...

❤️ I feel younger. Getting rid of my excess baggage and having boundless energy has given me a new lease on life. I feel like I am 35 again.

❤️ I no longer crave snacks. I'm able to eat and feel satisfied. I don't go back and forth to the kitchen all the time looking for something to eat.

❤️ Having said that, I still like my favorite foods. I'm certainly not eating "rabbit food"!

❤️ My blood sugar levels are more stable, and I have sustained energy through the day. No spikes and drops.

Imagine If I Would've Been Too Skeptical To Try This!

When I first learned of this odd ice hack, I could easily have been skeptical.

I'm so glad I wasn't back then.

I absolutely adore everything about who I've become. I feel like I'm back to being the "REAL ME." She had been gone for so long.

I am sure that my health is getting better and that I will still be around for my daughter. And one day... be able to run around with my grandchildren!

All because I found out about this odd ice trick.

My friends and family started to ask me a lot of questions, and I grew tired of having the same conversation over and over again.

So, I just send them a link to the same information I was given.

I have no control over this video.

There were grumblings that it might be taken down because a big pharmaceutical company doesn't want this method to be shared.

But the last time I checked, it was still up... Check it out now.