Hi there! My name is Nicole and I'm so glad you're here checking out my product!
I'm a high school English teacher and mom of 2 littles, a preschooler and a 1 year old. I've found that the balance between momming and teaching is incredible hard to balance. But I've been able to work contract hours and still be a great teacher!
I write to educate folks about life and parenting from the perspective of a teacher. and I want to help build the relationship between parents and teachers so that the student can be successful!
When I'm not writing or creating, you can find me being climbed on by my kids, hiking in the Pacific Northwest, or drinking a flavored Redbull!
Teacher information sheets are a great starting point!
For just $7, you will be able to know the expectations and procedures of the teacher(s) your child has.
Knowing is half the battle!
Did you know?
Research consistently shows that parent involvement leads to higher academic performance, school engagement, and motivation.
As a high school teacher, I receive emails from parents often asking about the procedures and policies within my class. Often times, they are in the syllabus!
But let's be honest, as parents, that is another piece of paper that gets lost or thrown away. Life is chaotic - I get it!
But when your child needs some support, you don't know what the teacher's policies are.
These teacher information sheets provide the solution to this problem.
You can have all the answers in one spot to file and save if a need arises.
Then you get to be the supportive, helpful parent that you are!
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