Waiting to be Well: Sustaining hope while wrestling with weakness

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Through my own journey of chronic fatigue, friends encouraged me to write a book. But now I don’t have to! This book is everything I wanted to share and I’m so glad God gifted Angela to write it. It is full of encouragement, hope, tears, and a good God who walked with her and taught her to trust in him through the highs and lows. God used Angela’s book to push me out of my comfort zone and towards normality. Whether you’re in the pit of despair, walking with someone in the midst of chronic fatigue, or just in need of encouragement, I can’t recommend this book enough!

- Cat Tuckwell, recovering chronic fatigue sufferer, once house bound, now working full time

Following Angela’s journey through long-term illness, these caring letters from a friend will help readers navigate the emotional and spiritual challenges of life with chronic fatigue as they hear from someone who knows what it is like and has come out the other side. Angela is honest about what she was thinking and feeling in a way that will help many readers realise they’re not alone, while also pointing them to the hope found in God.

- Robyn Drake, student support staff

Chronic illnesses affect our mental health almost as severely as our physical health. I have seen clients face terrifying thoughts: What if this never goes away? What if I can’t work? What if no one will ever want to be with me? These thoughts can rob us of current happiness as well as future hopes. Our thought life can feel so chaotic that we need an outside source to rely on. Waiting to be Well offers a hope anchored in something much more stable than our own self. Angela will lead you to that trustworthy and reliable hope in the midst of the bewildering storm of chronic disease.

- Sara Collins, registered member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors and New Zealand Biblical Counselling Association

A wonderfully well-written, engaging account of a chronic fatigue journey. From the initial despair to the foundation of her recovery, Angela put God at the centre no matter how she felt. Her journey post-recovery was also very interesting—particularly how she had to learn to trust God in much better times. She learned to abound in all sorts of circumstances. Her story was very encouraging for our son who went through a similar situation.

- Phil and Helen Bronn

Angela’s marvellous book has been a great encouragement to me personally in going through a season with chronic pain. At a time of enforced rest, her book prompted me to reflect on where I am and how I am coping spiritually with the pain and limitations on my life.

- Nicky Malcolm

Waiting to be Well is comprehensive, nuanced, full of wisdom, compassionate and easy to read. And that’s only possible because Angela actually lived through those difficult years, seeking to be faithful, resting in (and wrestling with) God’s goodness and God’s promises. So many questions Angela asked herself are questions I’d subconsciously thought but hadn’t been able to articulate. There are so many gems in the book… I thank God for how he’s written Angela’s life story and how it’s crossed mine and blessed me.

- Jean Yu

Two years after reading a draft of this book, I still find sections coming to mind. Angela probes deep questions such as ‘What does God do with broken people?’ She honestly deals with the darkness we encounter in long-term illness while pointing us to God with a constant diet of Scripture passages. The book is divided into manageable chunks a few pages long. I have encountered very few books that deal quite so honestly and helpfully with the struggles of illness. I heartily recommend Waiting to be Well to anyone struggling with long-term illness or caring for someone who is.

- Andrew Sporle

Angela’s thoughts and heart in the long valley of illness, and later on the mountain-top of wellness, give a lovely insight into her life that will be a blessing and encouragement to others. Her transparency is refreshing and speaks to the hearts of others travelling a similar path.

- Annette Lane

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