The Armageddon Trilogy - The Journey Begins

Hi, my name is Neil Howarth

I love stories

You know, the kind that hooks you in from the first page and carries you on into another world.
A world full of threats and intrigue.

A world full of secrets.

For me, it's fast-paced thrillers with a mystery at their heart, strange, shady tales that tread that fine line between fact and fiction. These are the kind of stories that I love to read and to write.

I'm always searching for stories, for tales that could have been true, for people who actually existed or who might have been, seeking out their deepest, darkest secrets. I believe it's somewhere in the shadows, in the nooks and crannies, somewhere on that invisible boundary between fact and fiction, that great stories are found.

If they're the kind of stories you love, why not join me on that journey.

For more info on me and my books, please visit my website at

