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Wind Down

Effortlessly switch off from everyday work stress and feel more calm and relaxed in just 30 minutes in the evening.

97.00 EUR

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And if you can't wait... 

Are you ready for a plug & play evening routine that effortlessly helps you ditch late nights working in bed and allows you to fall asleep within minutes?

Learn how to switch off from everyday work stress and feel more relaxed in just 30 minutes so that you can enjoy your evenings without thoughts of work lingering in your mind, get a peaceful 8+ hours of sleep and wake up with a clear mind and incredible amounts of energy.

If you are a high-performing girl looking for ways to reduce your stress naturally with a plug & play evening routine, Wind Down is for you. 

This is a 7 day self-paced online yoga program that you can do from the comfort of your own home in just 30 minutes.

The secret to taking back control of your evenings, enjoying time off with your friends and loved ones and getting enough sleep is a plug & play evening routine. 

When you're trying to decompress after a hectic work day with a glass of wine in one hand while manically checking social media and emails with the other hand, you're walking a tightrope without a safety net. It's a slippery slope. 

And if you want to wake up feeling energized in the mornings, there is a certain evening routine required. 

That's why I created Wind Down

If you are a busy hard-working girl ready to ditch late nights in front of your laptop and take back control of your evenings, this is for you. 

What makes this program unique?

The lessons are the perfect blend of ancient yoga wisdom and plug & play strategies that fit into the busiest work schedule, because I don't want you to only walk away with a plug & play evening routine that will help you destress naturally in less than 30 minutes in the evening (which you will)...

I also want you to leave feeling confident in ditching the late nights in front of your laptop and take back control of your evenings, so you can enjoy evenings with friends and loved ones and fall asleep within minutes day in and day out.

Now you might be thinking “This sounds amazing, but I just want to curl up on the couch and hide under a blanket when I finish work…” 

You know deep inside that your evenings could look like so much more than eating microwave meals on the couch for the third night in a row. 

You know that there’s more to life than slaying it day in and day out at your laptop just to finally crash on the couch far away from your partner with Netflix blasting in the background and wait for the cycle to repeat itself tomorrow. 

You know that your evenings could look different and that you are ready for a plug & play evening routine that allows you to switch off from work, feel amazing in your body and have the bandwidth to cook a nourishing meal for your hubby. 

That’s why inside Wind Down, we focus on de-stressing after work in just 30 minutes.

 Effortlessly rolling out your yoga mat without even discussing with yourself if you’re going to practice.

 Turning on a video and knowing that you’re held and guided inside a yoga program that’s based on ancient yoga wisdom and actually tailored to help busy girls like you.

 Knowing that each practice is set up following the same structure, so you can focus on grounding and relaxing.

When you follow a plug & play evening routine, here is what happens. 

You no longer have to toss and turn in bed to fall asleep constantly gazing at the clock, instead you:

Get to wind down wherever you are. 

Whether you are finishing up after a stressful day in your office, on an important business travel getting work emails or on vacation feeling like you "should" be working, you know exactly what to do so that you can... 

❌🏢 Ditch working till 1am and take back control of your evenings.  

💝🥂 Enjoy evenings with friends and loved ones. 

💤🛏️ Fall asleep within minutes and get a peaceful 8+ hours of sleep.  

⏰🌤️ Wake up with a clear mind and incredible amounts of energy so you can feel zen from the moment you wake up and until you go to bed. 

In just 7 days your evenings and well-being could be transformed: 

Slow serene nights 

Home cooked dinners 

And knowing that whatever happens at work can be dealt with tomorrow 

The gateway? 

A plug & play evening routine. 

And not just any routine... 


A simple, manageable and flexible evening routine that allows you to put the phone down and stop demanding more from yourself so you can enjoy your evenings and fall asleep within minutes.

Here is a glimpse of what waits inside…

In just 7 days you will be guided through 7 different practices based on the chakra system. 

Chakra means energy centre and the yogis believe that we have 7 energy centres situated along the spine. 

Each day we focus on activating and balancing each of the chakras through movement, meditation, relaxation and journaling

We work through simple and basic yoga postures that anyone can do no matter if you are as flexible as a piece of Danish liquorice or stiff as a board, Wind Down is still for you.


In this class we focus on grounding ourselves and building a strong foundation for our growth. This lesson helps you structure your plug & play evening routine for the rest of the program so you know exactly what to do when you finish work.  


In this class we focus on cleansing the body and mind by removing obstacles that no longer serve us. It’s time to see opportunities instead of limitations and get creative with how we fit our practice in our life.


This class is all about transformation and change. Change is inevitable and can be uncomfortable so in this lesson we focus on igniting your confidence and shedding light on what you want to change about the ways you live your life. 


In this class we focus on opening the heart and building trust and faith in ourselves. Ultimately, many of us feel anxious because we don’t trust ourselves. And it can feel unsafe and uncomfortable if we have to show up in the world with the belief that we don’t have our own backs. That’s why this class helps you trust and love yourself more.


This class focuses on your ability to communicate and speak your truth. Sometimes we hold back and let thoughts and emotions pile up inside of us. That’s why this class gives you an opportunity to identify what you’re holding back and releasing it.


In this class we zoom in on the vision we have for ourselves. While yoga is very much about being present in the here and now, it is also required that we get conscious and carve out time to identify where we want to go in life.


In this last class we focus on putting everything together. This is all about you taking what you’ve learned and creating union between the things that happened in the last 7 days on your yoga mat and in your life off the mat.

And before you ask (because I know you will...) 

No, you don't have to complete the program in 7 days straight. 

You can come back to the program time and time again.

Even on days when work gets in the way.

The practices will still be here waiting for you. 

The deets

👉 7 x pre recorded yoga practices to help you destress in just 30 minutes

👉 7 x pre recorded meditations to support each yoga practice for days when you're short on time or want to extend your practice by a couple of minutes

👉 2 x additional videos to set you up for success before and after

👉 Workbook with journal prompts to integrate aaand my top yoga playlists  

👉 Easy and instant access to it all through your phone

👉 Life time access

👉 And so much more

For a simple EUR 97 investment...


Ready to transform your evenings?


Are the classes taking place live or can I go at my own pace?

Everything is pre-recorded so you can go at your own pace and fit your practice in when your schedule allows. 

Do I have to complete the program in 7 days?

No, not at all. Of course it is great if you can practice yoga for 7 days straight, but that's not necessary for this program. Sometimes life gets in the way and then you can come back to the program again when time and schedule allow.

What equipment do I need?

You can complete WIND DOWN without any equipment and simply practice on a carpet or a blanket.
For a bit more comfort, I recommend a yoga mat, 2 blocks, a cushion and a blanket. And of course a phone/laptop so you can follow along on the videos.

Q How much time do I need?

30 minutes per practice. All practices can be done in your jogging pants from the comfort of your own home so no need to shower and commute to get your practice in.

When does the program start?

A You get access as soon as you finish your purchase. A few emails will fly to your inbox with all the details. 

I'm interested, but not sure this program is for me.

Send me a DM on Instagram at @manipurabylaura or write me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about whether this program is the right fit for you. 

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