Connect with your Natural Self

Discover the principles of nature-based psycho-spirituality and activate the universal archetypes longing to express themselves through your individual life. Come home with a fresh sense of who you are as a natural-born Earthling.

Explore Edges, Accelerate Evolution

The wilderness is a wise teacher. Exposure to the elements is a surefire strategy to encounter and expand the edges of your comfort zone — which is where the most potent moments of personal evolution are available.

Delve into your Dreams

Sleeping in close contact with the Earth inspires vivid dreams full of profound insight and guidance. We'll practice the art of Dreamcraft each morning and use those images to inform your daily invitations.

Who are the Modern Wise Men? 

We are a collective of good men becoming ever better through authentic identity development, emotional intelligence and Self-leadership skills. 

We meet every week to share support and accountability as we evolve together.

We gather in the wilderness at least once a year to connect, celebrate and initiate ourselves into the next phase of growth and masculine maturity.

We welcome men of any age, heritage and orientation. The primary prerequisite to being considered a wise man is simply that you are seeking wisdom in service of your personal and our collective evolution.

Your Guides on this Quest include:

David McConaghay

Of Scottish heritage, David was born in North Carolina in 1986. He is a seeker, teacher and holistic health professional.

So far, David has invested this lifetime seeking better ways of being human, living many years in yoga ashrams, permaculture communities and consciously wandering across six continents to learn about people and be in wild places.

He is a natural teacher, with contagious enthusiasm for the mysteries of creation, consciousness and culture.

David has trained with master teachers in the realms of Āyurveda, Vedic Astrology, Internal Family Systems, metaphysics and nature-based spirituality. He carries the vision of a synergetic cosmos and applies this whole-systems paradigm to every aspect of existence, connecting meditation to mental health, diet to Dreamcraft, and personal daily habits to global geopolitics.

Ultimately, profound loss and aloneness have been his greatest teachers of love, compassion and connection as just one among many nodes inseparably interwoven within the web of all beings

Eddie Rossi

Eddie Rossi is on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and evolution. A series of life events gifted him with a profound grief that catalyzed an awakening and broke the hold of longstanding, self-defeating patterns of emotional escapism. He adopted practices in meditation, yoga, journaling, breathwork, hot & cold therapies and many others that continue to develop his capacity to embrace the full spectrum of his human experience with equanimity, curiosity and, sometimes, grace.

Eddie has been an avid backpacker for nearly three decades; he has done weeklong trips to the bottom of Grand Canyon at least once annually since 1995. More recently he has begun to merge his passion for the outdoors with his calling toward psycho-spiritual personal development. He has been exploring the nature-based map of the human psyche, a potent tool for cultivating the innate wholeness that exists within each of us but that often eludes our integration and embodiment.

Eddie took an early retirement in March 2023 and is now pursuing his calling to help others embody self-love as a prerequisite for achieving their fullest potential. 

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July 18, 2024 - July 22, 2024
San Juan National Forest
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