Are you ready to embark on a path to greater self-discovery? I’ve prepared an inspiring visioning exercise to help you uncover the life you wish to live and the type of work that can fulfill you, so you can bring your full self to all that you do. Use this visualization process to support your own insight and growth or in conjunction with my book: So, What Do You Do? The Authentic Alchemy Path to Find Who You Are, a heart-centered guide that provides a powerful 8-step road map to help you find your life’s work.
As you seek to uncover your soul-aligned work, know that there are many resources available to support you. Your imagination and ability to envision what you desire is one powerful way to begin shifting into the person you wish to become. The more you can reinforce a new vision for your life, the more insight and growth will occur as you naturally explore your values, passions, and gifts. This download will include a recorded visualization exercise and worksheet prepared by Lenore to guide you to deeper transformation as you uncover fulfilling work that lights you up. Congratulations on deciding to undertake your journey to more meaning and purpose. I’m so excited about what you will create!
In addition to this download, you will receive ongoing suggestions from Lenore for living a life of purpose and uncovering fulfilling work that aligns with your values. Sign up below to receive this download.