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Premium Astrology Newsletter

Premium Astrology content available to members only!

11.11 USD / month

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Your first newsletter will arrive on Tuesday! See ya then!

Become a Premium Member for exclusive content available to subscribers only! Your membership will automatically renew on the day you sign up (ex. if you joined on the 11th, it will auto renew every 11th) until you choose to cancel. 

Once you cancel; you will still have membership until the final day of your billing period. 

There are no refunds due to the nature of this service. 

You will receive a weekly email that includes horoscopes based on your zodiac element sign (fire, earth, water, air); tips for increasing your abundance, or other astrological insights to help you manifest success in your business and life. 

You are free to cancel and renew at any time. 

I'm here to increase your abundance through your astrology