✧ Session Intention ✧

The intention behind this session is to provide a supportive, empowering space for you to release energetic blocks to receiving and begin to open up to the support, guidance, and love of Divine energy and your highest-self that allows for your vibration to elevate to the next level.

✧ Session Flow ✧

Our session will begin with a short introduction to reiki and breathwork followed by journaling and a guided meditation to help you relax and open up to releasing and receiving. 

We will then shift into the breathwork portion where Danen will lead you to breath through letting go and inviting in the light and support of the Divine and your highest-self to fuel your soul. We will then allow for a time of relaxation and Divine connection as Karlie sends the group reiki to cleanse, clear and bring harmony to your energetic chakra system.

We will close out the circle with grounding and journaling on your experience.

talk soon ♡

Sending love, light + good energy