Discover the 3 secrets to creating a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER you!


Secret 1

You don't have to stop your mind from thinking in order to have a successful meditation.


Secret 2

You can achieve a healthy, productive work-life balance.


Secret 3

You can be calm, grounded and clear-headed; even in life's challenging moments.


All you need is 10 minutes a day, and a willingness to let go of your old mindset.

Enrol now in Mindfulness Meditation for just $59.

Here is what we cover:

Week 1: What is Mindfulness?

    1.1 Introduction to Mindfulness

    1.2 Mindfulness-Based Stillness Meditation

    1.3 A Healing Overview

    1.4 Preparing to Meditate

    1.5 Shifting Your Attention

Week 2: The Mind

    2.1 The Active Mind versus The Passive Mind

    2.2 Excessive Thinking

    2.3 The Brain

    2.4 Awareness

   2.5 Body Awareness

Week 3: Emotions

    3.1 Mindful Emotions

    3.2 Observing our Feelings

    3.3 Map of Consciousness

    3.4 Telling a Story

    3.5 Gratitude

Week 4: Stillness

    4.1 Diving in Deeper

    4.2 A Stillness Experiment

    4.3 Beneath the Surface

    4.4 Stillness Analogies

    4.5 Final Thoughts 

Exceptional Value!

What You Get                                 Valued At

4 weeks of content                                        

(video tutorials, meditations and notes)                                         $240

Bonus: 3 guided meditations                                                           $36

Bonus: White Space (2nd edition)                                                   $20

                                                                                            Total Value = $296

Yours for only $59!

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Mindfulness Meditation Course

A four week course that can truly transform your life.

59.00 AUD

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