Learning Accelerator Review Template

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Learn from your successes, and yes, from the occasional failure too!

There's a reason that Special Forces, the best of the best, insist on After-Action Reviews for every mission. Because those coming after them live or die based on what they can learn from previous experiences.

Okay, new product success may not be actual life and death, but it can still impact your career as well as your company's  success.  And that's not nothing in a world where the average successful company lifespan is less than 40 years. 

And it's as simple as stopping for a few moments and answering several penetrating questions before your team moves on to the next phase or even on to the next big opportunity.

As with all our resources it's based on one of the key accelerators that we've implemented in industrial businesses across the world - Synchronize Priorities for Crystal Clear Workflow. Accelerators that have helped increase launch value by more than 40%. The same accelerators outlined in my Amazon best selling books - Simplifying Innovation & Unlocking Innovation Productivity

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