As a Spiritual Life and Wellbeing Coach I meet so many women who.....
Feel drained and tired.
Find it difficult to focus on their own self-care.
Feel overwhelmed by emotions
and disconnected spiritually.
Do you identify?
Would you like to make a change?
Are you ready to FOCUS on you?
Give youself some ME time?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions then this beautiful, gentle self paced programme is for you. It will give you the opportunity to focus on the four pillars of wellbeing:
By doing this you can bring balance and harmony into your life.
Say yes to you today and sign up below. YOU really are worth it!
Hi I'm Paula an internationally recognised Master Spiritual Life & Wellbeing Coach and Energy Healer, accredited by the IAPC&M.
My own spiritual journey began over 25 years ago when I hit a rock bottom in my emotional life and sought a spiritual solution to my problems. Since then, I’ve overcome many other challenges, with my spiritual beliefs and practices sustaining me through them all.
As well as being a qualified Coach I was also a Teacher for nearly 20 years until I burnt out and became too ill to work anymore. This experience, although devastating, was also the catalyst for huge change in me and having coaching and energy healing, were the main tools that enabled me to do this.
Evolving Soul Coaching was born out of these experiences and my passion in the belief that each and every one of us deserves and is capable of having love, joy, energy, good health and success in our lives.
I took part in the 21 day wellbeing challenge with Paula
and wow what an experience, I didn't realise just how little I was
taking care of the four pillars until I did this challenge. I loved the
daily card, the motivational posts, the support from Paula and all the
other ladies, and the tasks and challenges were beautiful. (SG)
Working with Paula has been amazing and the work she has done with me will permanently positively impact my life experience and I will always be grateful. Paula has been amazing in providing me with practical support in managing emotions and difficult situations throughout the time she has worked with me, I feel that I have overcome many difficult emotional and physical challenges through the techniques Paula used with me (GC)
found Paula's approach very calming and supportive, she's very
welcoming and genuinely cares about helping people. I would highly
recommend Paula and her services and look forward to more courses AS
I'm ready to invest in me!