Calling all Leaders, Educators, Mentors and Coaches 📣

Introducing our Signature Advanced/Intermediate Two-Year Certification Program:

Ancient Keys for Modern Leaders

Transform your Life and Lead a New World with Timeless Wisdoms Integrated with Current Insights

📆 Starting January 19th 2025 📆 

Ancient Keys for Modern Leaders centres around the teachings of the Norse Runes and the Chinese I Ching, philosophical teachings that transcend eras and emphasise universal principles.

Their value lies in the purpose of their creation:

The Runes serve the Warrior, Spiritual Warrior and Leaders by teaching:

  1. Strength and Courage: The Runes symbolise the strength, resilience, and courage needed to face challenges.

  2. Symbolic Wisdom: Each Rune carries specific meanings and attributes, such as protection, victory, or transformation, which inspire leaders to review the primal energies of these qualities — and how they have become distorted over time.

  3. Connection to Ancestry and Tradition: The Runes serve as a bridge to ancient wisdom and values, helping visionaries respect and learn from the past while shaping the future.

The I Ching was also created to support successful leadership, and like the Runes, they teach alignment with nature is paramount:

  1. Decision-Making: The I Ching teaches both the importance and subtleties of adaptability, balance, and making decisions that align with the natural flow of circumstances. These attributes helps leaders to sensitively gauge situations and adjust their strategy accordingly.

  2. Self-Reflection: By prompting introspection and consideration of multiple perspectives, the I Ching encourages leaders to understand themselves and their circumstances deeply, fostering wise and compassionate leadership.

  3. Adaptability: The ever-changing nature of the hexagrams encourages leaders to embrace change and remain flexible, an increasingly vital quality in today’s fast-paced world.

Coupled with the Chakra system of the multidimensional mind (a critical element of all TWRR programs) and the wisdom of the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel, this curriculum offers you a bundle of priceless wisdom and tools that you can draw on in any situation to take it to its next level success — and to transform our world into the one we've been waiting for!

Does this speak to you - and where you see yourself going?!

Schedule a Potential Client Call with Helen to discuss Early Bird Pricing...

This bumper program is for you if:

  1. You have been practicing or facilitating self-development/enquiry, coaching or mentoring for a minimum of 5-years

    • Futurists

    • Individuals interested in how we will integrate the expansion of consciousness into the leadership of a new world 

    • Prior interest or study with the likes of Bob Proctor, Joe Dispenza, Law of Attraction or other schools of consciousness/spirituality, wanting to take their understanding and practical integration to the next level

  2. You are interested in the expansion of consciousness - especially as it relates to the future of 

    • Leadership

    • Relationship and Relating

    • Communication

    • Creativity

    • Education

    • Psychology

  3. You are eager to be challenged to go to your next level - as a lifestyle

    • You are interested in helping others do the same

  4. You recognise you need to become the world you want to life in

You will leave this program:

  1. Having experientially worked with the transformational teachings of:

    • The Norse Runes

    • The Chinese I Ching

    • The Seven Chakras

    • The Healing Spirits of the Four Directions of the Native American Medicine Wheel

  2. With a year of further development of your consulting skills (or start out if you are new to this):

    • Refine your intuition 

    • Bring greater precision to your communication skills

    • Keep developing your Strengths 

    • Discover the gift of, and transform your Weaknesses 

  3. Be able to deliver long-distance transformational energy work 

    • A powerful adjunct to coaching calls, is the ability to offer energetic integration sessions that support higher level insights, transformation and healing for your clients

  4. Be able to deliver hands-on-energy work

    • The five-day retreat in Switzerland in the second year will teach you the insights that come from reading the body - and the transmutational possibilities

    • By the end of the retreat you will have experienced The Healing Spirits of the Medicine Wheel at work in your own life, and will receive multiple hands-on-energy work sessions

    • Once you return home, this will be followed by feedback on to four-sessions with a volunteer client

  5. Be eligible to be licensed to deliver a 12/24 months program of the Runes

  6. Be eligible to mentor individuals or groups through the Chakras and Runes and I Ching Journals

  7. Be eligible to deliver hands-on energy work

    • As an isolated session

    • As a package of four sessions working with each of the four directions

Does the sound of this excite and ignite you?

Schedule a Potential Client Call to discuss.

Program Overview

This is the ‘become the world you want to live in’ program.

Connecting you to archetypes, symbols, myths and cultures that span space and time to deliver you to the essence of Universal Truths, you will be taking an integrated step at a time towards a Brand New Paradigm of 👉 integration, inclusivity and harmony, simultaneously distancing yourself from the old paradigm of 👉 polarity, conflict and separation.

This program is to level up your consciousness for the future you want to create.

As with all TWRR courses, you will experience metamorphosis across all areas of your life, however, we will be focusing on the cornerstones of every society - leadership, education, creativity, and the glue that binds them; relationships and communication.

An explanation for why the practicalities may at first glance seem complicated:

The material in this course invites you into higher states of awareness, broad far-reaching concepts, while you simultaneously plumb new depths of yourself. 

Woah! That all sounds far out!! 

It certainly is. 

WHICH IS WHY this has to be simultaneously integrated across your life for it to mean anything i.e. for the changes to stick!

This is why all of the more advanced TWRR courses have more practical and organisational aspects that take a bit more effort and management on your part, to ensure that you are constantly integrating your (spiritual and material, left brain and right brain, yin and yang ☯) learning into your life as you go.

So, rather than simply consuming new information month after month, your interactive efforts to practically ‘keep up with the program’ (😁 - so to speak) by:

  • Keeping up with the material

  • Regular journaling and other practices of self-reflection

  • Scheduling your calls and energy attunements

  • Sending in your written feedback

  • Participating in the group

all act a physical-world commitments - yes, to the program - although more importantly, to yourself and every part of your life for wayyyyy into the future.

"Action is the language of physical reality"


Channeled by Darryl Anka

Why These Four Programs?

Ancient Keys to a New Paradigm includes a deep reevaluation of your relationship to everyone and everything outside of you - using the perspective of four very different frameworks for consciousness. 

☑️ You will start with the Runes and Chakras which will run throughout the two-years

☑️ Nine months in, and the I Ching will be added, which will run concurrently with the above until the end of the course

☑️ In the second year, the 5-day Retreat in Switzerland will cover the Healing Spirits of the four Directions, which will require some preparation beforehand - and working with a volunteer client afterwards.

The Norse Runes

The Runes were handed down to us from the Norse worlds, and to them, they were delivered from Odin as a result of his sacrifice for wisdom. 

These keys of ancient wisdom invite you into their dimension of pagan animism that sees everything as having a spirit i.e. everything is conscious! Evolve your experiential understanding of symbols and how they communicate to a new level and fearlessly touch the primal rawness of the life force that surrounds you all the time.

Completion of this program makes you eligible to be certified to deliver The Runes portion of this course as a 12 or 24 month consulting program, as well as able to support your clients as they progress through the Runes Journal

“Recent interest in all things ‘Viking’ has lured many of us into the many worlds of the Norse pantheon of pagan gods.

At a time when healing the wounds of feminine victim/masculine perpetrator is so prevalent, the Norse reveal starkly different gender representation than we find in most modern-day Western societies (which are founded on the principles of patriarchal religions).  

Importantly for us today, the Runes deepen our connection to and communication with nature. The seemingly basic symbols are comprised of (what would have been easy-to-carve) vertical and diagonal lines. Their simplistic representations belie the wealth they teach us about, for example, fertility, sexuality, chaos, warrior spirit, cycles of life and the quest for truth. The mother and father are venerated equally, as are counterparts and siblings. Across the nine Norse worlds, each deity, whether large or small — literally from a giant snake-dragon wrapped around the world to dwarves — has a unique purpose in the workings of the entire tree of life, Yggdrasill. This radically more colourful, multi textured, intricately woven tapestry of family-life than one father figure directing the show has much to teach us in this modern age.

Sacrifice of the negative ego-self, in the pursuit of truth, is the Runes’ mythological origin story — Odin went to great lengths for wisdom. He sacrificed an eye, threw himself on his spear and was hung upside-down for nine days and nights to receive the wisdom of the Runes from Mimir’s well. The Runes beckon us along the same spiritual warriors’ journey that brought their wisdom to the world. As was asked of him, Odin asks how much are we prepared to let go of for the insights we seek. However, he is not the only one with questions for us: numerous Norse deities are peppered across the 24 symbols, each with penetrating questions for the different facets of our lives. 

Not all the Runes are named after a god/goddess, but you will find many of their adventures, teachings and worlds are multidimensionally carved into the deceptively simple-looking symbols.”

The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

The Ancient Chinese

I Ching

Don’t be fooled by the deceptively simple appearance of these wisdom keys either, the frequencies are next level! The relationship between yin and yang is at the crux of who we are, how we relate, and the major upgrade of consciousness taking place at this time. If you want advanced level insights into yourself and how you relate to every aspect of your world, including your loved ones and not so loved ones - then with you've come to the right place with the I Ching.

Completion of this part of the program makes you eligible to support your clients as they progress through the I Ching Journal

“Let’s say that the crux of the Shift of Ages is the dissolution of—the perspective of—separation. This means a (literally) mind-blowing, if gradual, awakening to how we have related to the world outside our skin, i.e. that none of it is outside our skin at all.  


Adjusting to this change in perspective involves facing and transforming the bias, prejudice and conflict in our familial, cultural, societal and political lineages that exist within ourselves i.e. excavating our beliefs that have kept the perception of separation in place. This profound revaluation, I believe, can be achieved with a modern-day experiential study of the I Ching teachings...

With its first publication in the late-ninth-century BCE, the text was intended to advise leaders in the management of their subjects and land. Today, the I Ching can not only deliver us to inner peace and simplicity, it can push on the boundaries of binary thinking and prepare us for multidimensional awareness.”

The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

The Hindu/Tibetan Chakras

The Chakras provide a holistic cross-pollinating pathway to experience full mind-body-spirit integration across this program. This essential framework for these transformational times enhances your awareness of real-life practical spiritual/material interconnectivity; enhancing your expansion of consciousness and promoting holistic wellness across all areas of your life.

Completion of this aspect of the program makes you eligible to support your clients as they progress through the Chakras Journal

Although translated as ‘wheels’, the Chakras can be explained as energetic bridges that connect us—as separate, physical, three-dimensional beings—to higher dimensions. Or as the early traditional texts explained, Brahman, the highest universal principle, emanates into us descending through the lightest Chakra at the crown, to the densest Chakra at the root. All the Chakras can be viewed as contact points between the individual self and the one unified consciousness.

To understand the function of Chakras in our everyday lives is to understand how these bridges have been blocked by trauma, karma, emotional wounding and environmental pollution—and the effect this has on how we experience our lives. Blocked or wounded Chakras distort our perspective of reality and, unless cleared and balanced, they keep creating more of the same distortions, on repeat.

The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

The Healing Spirits of the Four Directions

On top of your 5-day retreat in Switzerland where you will learn to deliver hands-on-energy work with the assistance of The Healing Spirits of The Four Directions, you will complete your training by working with a volunteer client and receiving feedback at every step of the process.

Completion of this retreat and the following practise with a volunteer client makes you eligible to deliver a five-part package of transformative hands-on energy work to your clients.

“The idea of the medicine wheel, as given to the earlier native peoples, focuses on creating telepathic communications with planet Earth and to the galaxy. The medicine wheel can be used to create a telepathic link to the wheel of incarnation... You can also look at the wheel of incarnation holographically. One of our primary teachings relates to holographic perception. We are helping you to expand your perceptual field so that you can open to the holographic world. The third-dimensional world is linear and more confining. The higher perception always includes holographic energies so that when you use this perception, you begin to see multiple levels.

- David K. Miller channeling in Expand Your Consciousness (2015)

You may ask: Why do Leaders and Educators of the Future need to learn how to deliver long-distance energy work, let alone hands-on energy work?

  • This is because these skills help you develop greater subtle awareness; subtle but far from weak! You are developing your ability to see and read beyond the apparent and superficial into greater depths and truths of how the ceremony of life is alive all the time.

  • By training to work with others in this way, even if you don't go on to use it in your everyday job, you will become even more aware of the holographic interconnectivity between yourself and others — and the mechanics of your reality at work —, be they

    • Your client

    • Other family members

    • Your spouse or partner

    • Colleagues

    • A stranger you strike up a conversation with

    • Your children

    • Learning to read energy is learning to read life!

Here is how your 2-year Journey Looks...

All Inclusive Investment

2 x monthly 2-hour group calls*

2 x monthly 1-hour personal consult

3 x monthly energy attunements with written feedback

5-day Online Webinar (Year 1) - Introduction to the I Ching

5-day In person Retreat (Year 2) - Healing Spirits of the Four Directions - Learn hands on energy work

Follow up by practicing with a volunteer client - and receive feedback at each step

*One year of training in hosting consult calls (covered on our group calls)

Certification to deliver Runes for Transformation, subject to annual renewal fee (please ask to discuss details)

6 x 2-hour Shamanic Sessions over two years - (worth $1996) (FAB)

Access to Recorded Workshop Series (FAB)

Accountability Partner (FAB) - someone else to discuss progress/development

Could 'Ancient Keys for Modern Leaders' be for you??

Schedule a Potential Client Call with Helen to discuss your interest and next steps!

ABOUT the program's facilitator

Hi, I'm Helen

I'm driven to share how awareness of the holographic nature of consciousness catalyses personal transformation and consciousness expansion for collective evolution.

I'm the founder of The White Rabbit Reveals where I, and consultants I've trained, offer fully-experiential mentoring programs, energy work and shamanic healing.

I believe the most valuable asset anyone can have is to be able to connect fully and authentically with themselves and integrate this awareness into their lives. Because this is to become one's own authority - and the world needs this for our collective future!

With a PhD in behavioural neuropharmacology, I've written three books, eight courses and four journals about the workings of the mind, as well as having co-written a wikipedia page on the Holographic Theories of Consciousness.

I've trained extensively in numerous Shamanic and natural healing practices including a range of plant-medicines, Ayurveda, Dolphin and Whale medicine, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, the Yuen Method and Merlin Magic.

From 2012-2019 I coordinated transformational journeys around the world, many of which included plant-medicine ceremonies.

I now live in Switzerland with my husband and two feline friends where I write, mentor, teach and train; sharing decades of tried, tested and evolving insights and tools for profound personal transformation.

Here's what our clients have to say...

“Helen is a pioneer and an inspiring mentor, healer, and teacher – changing the way we look at personal and spiritual development. Thank you for opening my eyes, for guiding me to a richer, more fulfilling life and for the gifts you continue to share.”

"Thank you for continuously encouraging me to grow beyond my imagination and guide me to experience the most life transformational moments. I am forever grateful."

""The Two Year Program with Helen and my group members has changed my life in the most profound of ways. I have learnt to see behind the veil of my conditioning, patterns and all that does not serve me so as to begin my living and creating my life from a place of authenticity and deep self resonance. Words cannot truly express how I feel about the experience I have had and what I have seen, processed, unpacked, resolved, seen more of, the support and guidance I have received and the knowledge and wisdom I have acquired. I am beyond grateful to Helen and this program. I look forward to working with her again."

"Helen is a spiritual detective. Joyfully, seemingly effortlessly, she applies the clues she acquires through 1:1 communication and EAs to your 'case' – which, of course, is never fully 'solved.' There's always more work to do – lucky for us then that Helen also loves teaching us how to apply these detection skills to our own lives, patterns, stories, beliefs. With Helen's help this year, I was able to let go of SO much old stuff; to see clearly my part in perpetuating old patterns in my life; and to learn a field of study that had proved challenging in the past. Plus much, much more. If you are ready to change your life, and are looking for support to get started, I highly recommend Helen's courses, energy work, and mentorship opportunities as just the thing to kick off a new phase – a new you."

Want to get the full low down, ask all your questions and discuss suitability?

Schedule a Potential Client Call with Helen today!

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