What could your life look like if you were to radiate confidence and security?
✔️ Unlimited Access to ALL Online Mini Courses
✔️Questionnaires for Creating Personalized Safety Plans
✔️ Participation in the Mama Bear PREPARED Facebook Group
✔️ Access to Monthly Live Webinars (with Replays Available!)
✔️ Discounts on Training, Coaching and Merchandise
✔️ Numerous Valuable Tools & Lists for Reference
✔️ Priceless Downloads to Keep
> This is not for the mom who wears worrying like a badge of honor.
> This is not for the mother that thinks karate or kickboxing or carrying a weapon is a cure all.
> This is not for the mom that chooses to only see a scary world filled with bad people.
> This is not for the mother that accepts being a victim.
> This is for the mother that takes responsibility for her decisions to do the best possible by her kids.
> This is for the mom that wants to see her children develop and demonstrate skills that show they're PREPARED.
> This membership is for the mom that is willing to put in effort to prevent harm.
> This is for the mom that wants to focus on where she has choices.
This Mama Bear Membership will allow you to easily and effortlessly find all that's in your power to avoid you and your loved ones being victimized. Quickly and confidently become Mama Bear PREPARED with content, resources, conversation prompts, exercises and games for you and your family to share.
These tools allow us to build and nurture a foundation as appropriate for being PREPARED against concerns like bullying, trafficking, abduction, abusive relationships, assault, sexual assault, sibling rivalry, self harm, active shooters, harmful friendships, unsafe relatives and adults - to name a few.
Although every mini course has content to benefit any mother with children of any age, content is organized in a way to be sure that you easily find what's most useful for the ages and stages of your children.
We can't teach our kids what we don't know. Get good with the basics (we promise you'll learn a ton even if your dad/uncle/son/husband is a police officer/black belt/marine.
Get the instructions and resources necessary for empowering your child with a Safety Plan that grows with them. Watch them practice "a plan they plan to use".
Learn to use all of your gear in self defense. Plan out what goes where and what can be ditched. Select the right seating arrangement is safely for getting in and out of the car.
Everyone is good in some areas but also has room for improvement in others. Get an accurate assessment of where you're at for safe living - and create goals and a plan to improve.
Fun & Funny Content for Making Safe Living part of Everyday Thinking
Support from a Community of Like-Minded Mamas
Motivation, Inspiration & Conversation
Regular Facebook Lives
Participate in monthly Webinars, for example, on topics like...
Discuss the pros and cons of popular tools for defense as well as it relates specifically to your child's age.
Get a heads up on the very often missed must have tips on general, every day safe living for your and/or your teens/tweens.
You are limited only by your imagination. Consider unassuming objects to be used as a weapon in defense.
Politics, mean girls and bullying- become more aware of where you have power and the ability to be more authentic.
Focus on changing your perspective in order for dating safely, for your and/or your tweens & teens.
Find, assess, and push for improvements to outdated or ineffective policies, like for bullying and active shooters.
The Mama Bear PREPARED content was created by parents for their own children - because effective materials weren't found elsewhere. These parents had and have professional backgrounds in violence prevention, personal protection, martial arts, self defense and weapons training as well as studies focused in childhood development, psychology and criminal behavior.
In raising our own children to be PREPARED we realized we collected all the things every mother deserves to know about prevention. This membership, online content, the FB Group and all that's included were created by one of these parents - a busy mother, juggling many hats - in order to empower other busy moms.
Every child deserves a mother that is PREPARED.
Are you ready to ditch doubt, terror and worry?