Find Your Spark!

Coaching for Corporate Professionals and Stressed-Out Humans

Decrease Stress, Increase Joy, and Feel Alive 

so you can thrive not just survive in 2025


New Year, New Me.

That’s the mantra you say to yourself at the start of every year.

You make resolutions, promising yourself that this year will be different, this time you’ll make them stick. 

You say things like:

👍🏿 I’ll work out more so I can feel strong and energised.

👍🏿 I’ll drink less so I can wake up with a clear head and be more intentional about my da.

👍🏿 I’ll spend less time at the office and more quality time with my kids.

👍🏿 I’ll be less irritable and snippy with my partner and more patient.

Resolution, after resolution, after resolution.

As you write them down in the brand new notebook you've been eyeing for a while and got for Christmas, you feel good, right? You feel a warm glow as you think to yourself, 

Next year will be different, better.

And once you’ve fought through that 1 January hangover, you’re bursting with optimism at the year ahead.

🤩 The things you’ll do.

🤩 The places you'll go.

🤩 The goals you’ll achieve.

But you missed a step.

You failed to get clear on why you wanted to: 

🤷🏿‍♂️ do the things; 

🤷🏿‍♂️ go to the places; and 

🤷🏿‍♂️ achieve the goals.

I mean you had a vague idea, but you didn't dig deep and connect with the real reasons why those things were important to you.

Then before you know it, it's April, the second quarter of the year and those resolutions you felt so optimistic about are nothing but a distant memory.

😭 your carefully laid out workout clothes have been sat, unused, on that chair in your bedroom for days, so you’ve worked out less not more and that familiar feeling of mental and physical lethargy has returned that leaves you feeling like you're wading through quicksand and just can't get ahead.

😭 you still need that drink each evening to ‘take the edge off’ your day, so you’re drinking more, not less and still wake up with that foggy feeling in your head that leads you to seek the comfort of old habits rather than commit to the new ones you promised you would.

😭 you're scared to say 'no' so work piles up and you eat dinner at your desk night after night, spending more time in the office, not less and feel the ever increasing weight of guilt as night after night you tell your kids good night over Facetime. 

😭 you’re so exhausted all the time that you end up being more irritable and snippy with your partner, and you're feeling so sorry for yourself that you fail to notice the effect your behaviour is having on your relationship. 

And each time you fail to keep a resolution you beat yourself up, which leaves you feeling shit, which brings  you further down and leaves you believing you're incapable of changing anything.

I get it.

I was trapped in this perpetual cycle for years.

And although it sounds trite, nothing changed until I decided it would change.

My situation didn't change by:

❎ Thinking about change;

❎ Writing resolutions down in a fancy notebook; or

❎ Wishing on a ⭐️ that someone or something would come along and save me.

Change happened when:

I declared on a flight from Bali to Singapore in 2019, I can't do this anymore, enough is enough.

I admitted I’d been going through the motions, languishing in lethargy, and had lost my spark.

I stopped waiting and started to take control of my life, finding my spark, my sense of aliveness!

If you’ve made it here, it’s because in reading this you see yourself. And you want things to be different.

Now the question is, what are you going to do to make things different?

See you have a choice, you can: 

❎ do what you’ve always done and get what you’ve always gotten; or 

✅ decide change happens right here, right now, and take action.

Ready to choose change? A Find Your Spark! session is the catalyst you need for your transformation to begin!

What happens in a Find Your Spark! session?

Find Your Spark! is a one-time 1:1 coaching session where we’ll work together to, find your spark.

Your spark is: 

🔥 the thing that lights you up and feeds your soul.

🔥 the thing that gets you leaping out of bed excited every morning.

🔥 the energetic glow that radiates from your very being and gets people wanting to know what you're on and where they can get it.

You’ll leave your Find Your Spark! session, with clarity on: 

✅ what you want to do; 

✅ where you want to go; and 

✅ why you want to go there.

You'll also leave with a copy of my Mission Map which together we'll use to plot your mission for 2025 and beyond, one step at a time so you can stop spinning round in circles and move forward.

And, when the high of the session wears off and the fear sets in, you'll have  5 business days post-session access to me to support you through any wobbles and ensure you keep on track doing what you promised yourself you'd do.

What do I get?

  • 1 x 75 minute 1:1 coaching session with me (on Zoom)
  • 5 business days post-session support 
  • PDF Mission Map to plan out your mission and action steps
  • Values checklist to get you focused on what's important to you so you can make aligned decisions
  • Audiobook version of my first book, The Triple C Method (first 3 sign-ups only) 
  • Your investment applied as a discount to my 12 week High Performance Coaching program if you join within 14 days of your Find Your Spark! session.

What will it cost me?


    Where do I sign up?

     Click HERE

    I have questions, where do I send them?

    Send questions to, [email protected].