Therapeutic Journaling 

Write Your Heart Out

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I am so glad you are here! I hope you will find the resource helpful. 

Click the button below to grab your free journaling guide

Journaling is a healthy therapeutic tool that aids our healing and growth as we try to change our lives. By documenting our thoughts, feelings and behaviour we can go back to our words later and track our progress. 

Journaling can reduce the effects of pain as well as helping to manage stress, depression and anxiety. Journaling can help to calm our minds after a stressful event or situation. By writing down our negative thoughts our thinking patterns are interrupted and the brain opens back up to other ways of thinking. We are literally writing ourselves out of trouble. 

Are you stuck, unsure what to write? Then using prompts or questions can ease the block and help keep you journaling.

I have included some helpful prompts in this resource to help you on your healing journey. You may also want to download my e-book 7 Keys To Self-Healing, A Trauma Survivor’s Guide, as the prompts have been carefully crafted to coincide with the seven tools in the guide.

Download these Journaling Prompts along with the ‘7 Keys to Self-Healing’ A Trauma Survivor’s Guide, and start your healing journey today.

To download the free journaling guide, complete the form.