Australian tour of Croatian independant filmmakers and video artists
Be a part of the Australian - Croatian story!
„Croatia – business and living“ – 20 min.
video screening and and a motivational discussion about Croatia today
„Genesis“ – 10 min.
Presentation of project „Genesis“ . A documentary film that promotes Australian–Croatian cultural connections and the return of cultural and artistic achievements of Croatian emigrants to their homeland.
„Movie Pepe Kalafot – the last troubadour of the island“ - 30 min.
Video screening of Pepe Kalafot movie, an entertaining documentary film dedicated to preserving the Croatian language and dialect, as well as old custom and craft
Upcoming Event in Melbourne
Clifton Hill Melbourne, Sunday 1st September, 12:00
Join us at the Hrvatska katolicka zajednica Sv Nikole Tavelica, 69 Hodgkinson St Clifton Hill on Clifton Hill Melbourne, Sunday 1st September, 12:00 for a night of culture and entertainment!
Free entry.
Who We Are and What We Do?
We are a team of experienced film creators and photographic artists operating through Dubrovnik Productions, established by Unimedia and Opis Film at 2002. To date, we have produced a wide range of video formats broadcast around the world, including documentaries and feature films, theater performances, music concerts, TV shows, promotional films, and TV commercials.
We are self-financing this tour and invite anyone who wishes to donate or sponsor us.
Pepe Kalafot, an entertaining documentary film dedicated to preserving
the Croatian language and dialect, as well as old custom and craft.
The film is available for viewing on the Gumroad platform. On this platform, for 12 AUD, you will receive a link in your account which you can watch multiple times.
To realize our two projects, "Genesis" and "Our People," we need significant financial resources. We hope you have gained insight into the quality of our work. If you attended one of the screenings of the film Pepe Kalafot, I hope you enjoyed it.
If you would like to donate funds for the completion of these projects, we would be very grateful. Even the smallest donation means a lot to us and will bring us closer to meeting again at the film screening.
Za realizaciju naša dva projekta "Genesis" i "Naši ljudi" potrebna su nam značajna financijska sredstva. Nadamo se da ste stekli uvid u kvalitetu našeg rada. Ukoliko ste bili na jednoj od projekcija filma Pepe Kalafot nadam se da ste se i zabavili.
Ukoliko želite donirati sredstva za završetak projekata bili bi jako zahvalni. I najmanja donacija puno nam znači i približit će nas da se ponovo susretnemo na projekciji filma.
You can also support the realization of our projects by making a payment to our account
Address: Rapska 37, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
SWIFT: RZBHHR2X IBAN: HR9424840083207532286
Bank name: Raiffeisen bank Austria dd
Bank address: Magazinska cesta 69