October Community Class

 How to Read and Understand Your Nutrition Labs

Sunday, October 6  |  11:00-11:45am CT

We’ve all been there—anxiously waiting for lab results, feeling like our health is being graded. But what if your nutrition labs were less of a report card and more of a window into your body’s current needs? In this class, we’ll explore how specific nutrition labs offer insight into your overall well-being, helping you monitor your health with compassion and curiosity, not fear or judgment.

Many of us carry misconceptions or avoidance around getting labs drawn, especially as our bodies change with time, life transitions, or health conditions. This class will walk you through which key markers to pay attention to in your nutrition labs—like blood sugar, cholesterol, and nutrient levels—and what steps you can take if those numbers are out of range. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of your labs and the confidence to approach your next doctor's visit with clarity and self-assurance.

No more fear, no more avoidance—just empowerment. You deserve to understand your health from a non-judgmental perspective, and this class will give you the tools to do just that.

This class is perfect for you if...

  • You’ve been avoiding getting your nutrition labs done because of fear or uncertainty.

  • You’ve experienced significant life or body changes and want to understand what your labs are telling you without the ambiguous "eat less, move more" weight loss recommendation.
  • You feel overwhelmed by medical language and want straightforward, accessible information.
  • You’re interested in learning how to support your health with nutrition when your labs are out of range.
  • You want a compassionate, non-diet approach to understanding your body and health.

This live class will take place on Sunday, October 6  |  11:00-11:45am CT.

Register for class

Community Classes are offered on a sliding scale basis where the amount you pay differs based on your financial situation. 

If you're not sure which price is the best fit for you, scroll down to the "How do I decide how much to pay?" section below!

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If $15 is not feasible for your budget and there is a particular class you are interested in attending, please fill out this short form to request a scholarship. Identify your preferred class[es], and a member of our team will let you know if scholarship spots are available for that event.

Got questions?

Class is hosted live with Maria at the scheduled time via Zoom. Registrants will receive 2 reminders for the session by email. For those who cannot attend live, a recording is emailed to you within 48 hours. Class recordings are available for 60 days

Yes! A recording will be sent to you within 48 hours after class. It will be available to you for 60 days.

Community Classes are offered on a sliding scale basis where the amount you pay differs based on your financial situation. For more information on the sliding scale, scroll down to the "How do I decide how much to pay?" section!

Information for each upcoming Community Class can be found approximately one month in advance. Watch this space for next month's class to be released!

How do I decide how much to pay?

The Cost of Class ticket ($40) is the actual cost of the class. If you choose a ticket price below this you are receiving a discount.

The middle price ($25) is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this class may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.

The bottom price ($15) is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and paying for this class would still be a significant hardship.

The Pay-It-Forward price ($50) is a few bucks above the actual cost of the class and that extra money goes towards supporting scholarships as well as future free and low-cost classes. Essentially it's an opportunity to not only take your class but also support your fellow community members while you're at it. Sweet!

Scholarships: If $15 is not feasible for your budget and there is a particular class you are interested in attending, please fill out this short form to request a scholarship. Identify your preferred class[es], and a member of our team will let you know if scholarship spots are available for that event.

If you'd like to think more about financial accessibility and the sliding scale payment method, here are some resources from other creators that do a great job of exploring this topic.