Does this sound like you...

You desire to have a regular journal practice BUT you struggle with a lack of time, staying consistent and always seem to get stuck on what to write about

…so you end up writing nothing on the page and tell yourself you’ll try again another time…

only to still be in the same spot today, without a meaningful journaling practice.

If yes, trust that you were guided to this page for a reason!


At the core, my mission is to empower women globally to integrate a journal practice.  A dedicated time for self-discovery and true healing.

So I created...'Her Journal Club.'

A FREE email community for women, that’s dedicated to nurturing the most important relationship you'll ever have — the one with yourself!

Research shows that journaling 3 times a week has a significant positive impact on mental health and wellbeing.


'Her Journal Club' is more than just journal prompts; it's a gift from my heart to yours.

In the midst of my most challenging health chapter to date, my breast implant and explant journey – the greatest gift I gave myself was putting my heart on paper – through journaling.

Reflection journaling was the ‘key’ that unlocked the door to reconnecting with myself – my true authentic self.

Journaling changed my life.

And now, I'm excited to share this transformative practice with you.

'Her Journal Club.' isn't just a club;

it's a movement.

There is immense power when women come together to heal collectively.